Join the Office of Dual Careers and Faculty Relocation for a lunchtime conversation with Molly Bartlett of Compass and Eva Loseth of @Properties. This discussion will focus on some of the trends and challenges that Eva and Molly are seeing this spring in the Chicago real estate market. We'll focus on Hyde Park, Kenwood, and Woodlawn. Bring your questions for Molly and Eva for this moderated discussion on Zoom.
Molly Bartlett worked as Associate Dean for External Relations at the Divinity School and for a number of public policy institutes before becoming a real estate broker in 2014. She is involved with the Chicago League of Women Voters, advocacy nonprofits, and her Kenwood condo board. Molly grew up in Lake Forest and moved to Chicago’s south side following graduate school.
Eva Loseth was born and raised in Hyde Park and specializes in the architectural and cultural diversity of the Hyde Park and Kenwood neighborhoods. Eva works with a number of community organizations including the Jackson Park Advisory Council and the Hyde Park Chamber of Commerce. Register now.